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Below are the options to work


The benefit of a custom audio or one-on-one sessions is that everything is tailored to where you are in your life and where you'd like to go. Each service includes a free 20 minute phone or zoom consultation where I will get a better idea of how I can help you and I/we can create an audio or program that offers a supportive container for your transformation.

Lets Create Some Magic



A custom meditation can be the guiding force needed to finally release resistance, combat self sabotage, explore your inner world with grace, and/or create peace of mind. Fill out the intake form below and I will be in-touch to schedule the phone consult.




Hypnosis is a tool to communicate directly to your subconscious mind - where your habits, beliefs, patterns, and memories are stored. To create powerful, lasting, transformation you must communicate to the part of yourself that governs most of your thoughts and actions. Complete the intake form below and I will be in-touch to schedule a phone consultation



Programs & Events

If you feel called to additional guidance than a single meditation or hypnosis audio can provide, with longer sessions, action steps, journal prompts, and deeper access to me as your coach lets connect and create a plan for you.

OR if you are hosting a retreat or event I can offer talks or workshops on shadow work, self hypnosis and the power of the subconscious mind.



coming soon...

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